Sunday, September 29, 2024

Joanna and the terrible, horrible; no good, very bad day! ( with apologies to author Judith Viorst(

A couple of days have gone by, so I can look back and laugh at my disasterous day now (well almost) Here is what happened. I woke up feeling fine, lounged around a bit, actually quite a bit, before heading out for the Musee des Arts Decoratif, probably my favorite museum here. Bought my little packet 1aof metro tickets and got on the train. Walked past the hordes milling around the Louvre and the Rue de Rivoli. No intention to visit there this time around. The Musee des arts Decoratif is much less visited, but entirely worth one's while. I browsed thru the gift shop first, then headed for the short line waiting to enter the museum. I searched my bag for my little change purse, which holds quite a bit more than change, including my charge cards, health insurance info, and about 60 euros. It often gets buried in my large cross body bag. Nothing there. I left the line and looked more throughly, still not finding it. It was gone. I explained to the guards, who were sympathetic and said I needed to report it to the police, and fetched me a map showing the headquarters, telling me it was a 15 minute walk. It took me a half hour. It started to rain. I got to the police office, right near the Champs Elysees. They buzzed me in and were quite kind. They said it happened every day. There were two Asian men also there. The younger one told me that the older one's wallet had been stolen too. As they left, a woman entered and said that her passport had been stolen. I still found it hard to believe that someone had taken my little purse. My bag, a cross body, sat on my hip. It had a flap that was closed. It hadn't been slit. And how, among all the things inside, phone, kindle, notebook, umbrella, glasses case, more, had they managed to pick out the little purse? The last time I remembered using the purse was when I purchased the metro tickets. But I had opened the bag in the museum shop, to put my hat in because it was hot inside. I also took off my light sweater. Could I have dropped it then? I'd had the shop staff look but nothing had been turned in. Two cops took my report, had me sign it, and gave me a copy. I had zero money, no way to take the metro home. The Canadian woman reporting her passport stolen offered to give me money for the metro. But one of the police officers handed me a five euro note. I hope I can find a way to thank him, maybe report his kindness to his superior? Oh, and if things weren't bad enough, on leaving the police station I realized I no longer had my sweater. I went back but hadn't left it there. So, I must have left it on the park bench where I sat briefly, in the rain, resting part way on my way to the police. Not only one of my favorite sweaters, but also my warmest layer. I walked to the metro, missing the stop I thought was closest, but then stumbling onto another one. It was another wet and now windy walk. My umbrella became impossible to hold and turned inside out. When I finally got home, my clothes were soaked through. My shoes took two days to dry out. I was still shaken up, but at least had dry clothes and warm food to comfort me. I messaged my airbnb host and explained about the umbrella, offering to buy him a new one. He said it wasn't necessary, it could have happened to him. Another act of kindness. He said I had been very kind to offer. I talked to Carolina and asked her to send me some money. I asked for $500 but am not sure that will last me another week of having to pay cash for everything. I do have about $60 in dollars that I can exchange. And Loring is now back from his two week wilderness trip so I won't have to ask Carolina to front me money again. She was so good and efficient about it, sending it through Western Union. QThere are numerous shops with Western Union signs, but they apparently can only send money, not receive it. Or at least not in that quantity. Several stores sent me to the next one down the street, until I eventually asked a hotel clerk, who explained that I needed to go to the actual Western Union office, and showed me on a map how to get there. So, after nearly two hours of walking around, I was able to get the money. 1qThe next day I reported my credit cards stolen. There was one charge that had happened after I bought the packet of metro tickets. It was for about $150 and I don't remember charging anything then. although it's entirely possible that I did and forgot. The next day I went back to the museum, still wanting to visit. I asked once again if anything had been turned in. Once again, the museum staff was very kind. One of them remembered me. Another one said I'd been very brave to return to the museum. (to the scene of the crime, I guess.) I told her it was my favorite museum in Paris, and I was determined to visit. To be continued, with my visit to the exhibit about the beginning and history of the famous department stores of Paris. Addendum: I think I've figured it out. Someone must have grabbed it from me as I took the one metro ticket to use and put the rest back in the pouch to put in my larger bag.

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