Friday, October 4, 2024

Almost time to say goodbye

as usual I find it hard to keep up with describing my experiences and adventures. this is my next to last night here. I have hardly been eating out. have breakfast here every morning. it's usually been coffee and those traditional toasted crackers I still associate with my very first trip here. back then my host mother served them with orange marmalade and butter. this time it's been apricot as there was already a jar here, and then orange/grapefruit when that ran out. I dont usually have three meals, but either lunch or supper and maybe a snack somewhere along the way. Yesterday had a crepe as a lavish lunch in the Marais. that's the previously Jewish quarter that's now very trendy, with art galleries and clothing stores and many perfume shops. you do still see the occasional orthodox Jew but I'm afraid they have become a tourist attraction in themselves . Now this crepe was nothing like the one you can order at a stand in the street. Another long ago food memory: I had a favorite crepe stand on the Blvd St Michel where I would always order the same thing, a chocolate coconut crepe, folded and wrapped in paper. The guy would see me coming and say "chocolate et noix de coco?" The crepe I ordered yesterday in a sit down restaurant was chocolate, banana with almonds and whipped cream. I had just ordered chocolate and banana but then asked for some whipped crem(chantilly in French.) She pointed out that the day's special was all that plus almonds and so that's what I had. it was just one crepe which you could hardly see because of all the banana, chocolate and especially all the whipped cream. it was massive. Loring if you are reading this, it was almost but not quite as massive as the one in that town in Tunisia! Did I eat it all? of course I did. that might have had something to do with my queasy stomach last night. For supper at home last night I had half of a fresh warm baguette and some mint tea. I had headed to the Marais planning to visit the Jewish museum, to which I had never been. they had an interesting sounding exhibit about dybbks.As far as I know, in Jewish mythology they are evil spirits.

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